“Until joining Alpha Chi Omega, I had no idea what the word “sister” truly meant. I grew up as an only child, decades younger than all of my cousins, and the concept of having a sister was nothing more than a fictitious dream. It wasn’t until my Bid Night, in a room filled with vibrant, intelligent and kind-hearted Alpha Chis, that this dream became a reality. At that moment, I was surrounded by genuine people who loved each other and wanted to show that same love to me. I can confidently tell you that for the past two years, that love has never waivered.
One of my favorite things about AXO is that we show this love in a multitude of ways. Whether that be helping each other succeed academically and professionally, or encouraging one another to step outside of our comfort zones, we stand firm in the belief that together, we will seek the heights. On those nights when classes feel impossible we stand by each other. And on those days when we finally land the internship or receive an acceptance letter, we celebrate each other. The common thread that unites these moments is our love for each other, a love that makes New York City feel like home.
From spontaneous concerts, Bachelor nights in the Brownstone to trips to the MoMa, AXO has gifted me with the people I love to do life with because of the joy they bring me, but also because of the way that they push me. This community of real strong women is committed to creating change in the sciences, arts, humanities, and everything in between.
If I were to describe Alpha Chi in one word, it would undoubtedly have to be love. We love bettering our communities, becoming the best versions of ourselves, uplifting others, and being together. It is that same love that drew me in two years ago and led me to run for president. And, it is that some love that I know you will find in our community.
This is my love letter to my chosen sisters, my best friends, and the chapter that has always believed in me. My college experience wouldn’t be the same without them, and I encourage you to open your heart to the love and sisterhood that you’ll find in Alpha Chi.

Alpha Chi Omega was founded on October 15, 1885, at DePauw University in Greencastle, Indiana. At a time when women were just beginning to occupy seats in college classrooms, seven female students were encouraged by Professor James Hamilton Howe, dean of DePauw’s School of Music, to form a women’s society within the school.
Inspired, our Founders formed the sixth women’s fraternity in the country—the first to be in a music school. Sure they would be the last, the founders chose Alpha and Omega—the first and last letters of the Greek alphabet—to form their name, with “Kai” (meaning “and”) in the middle, later changed to the Greek letter Chi.
Dedicated to advancing “the intellectual, social and moral culture” of its members, our founders’ vision has grown to include our women’s Fraternity, the Alpha Chi Omega Foundation and the National Housing Corporation. Together, they serve more than 200,000 members in more than 130 collegiate chapters and 200 alumnae chapters nationwide.
The Alpha Chi Omega - Theta Psi chapter was chartered at Columbia in 1989.